


Startup Cost: $5,250,000
Default Size: 5 employees

Price Calculator

Staff Room
Include TGP ($343,975,000)
Include TCP ($505,480,000)
Include SYS ($1,957,710,000)
Estimated Cost: $5,250,000


Special Rating Cost Description
Fulfillment 1 1 point 50 happiness
Animal Instinct 3 Passive 25% hunting income
Special K 5 5 points Ketamine drug
Fertilizer 7 100 points Small explosive device
Early Riser 10 1 point 7 energy

Size Upgrades

Company Size Cost
5 employees Startup Cost
6 employees $525,000
7 employees $1,050,000
8 employees $1,575,000
10 employees $2,100,000
11 employees $2,625,000
12 employees $3,150,000

Staff Room Size

Staff Room Cost
No Staff Room $0
Small Staff Room $131,250
Standard Staff Room $262,500
Large Staff Room $393,750
Very Large Staff Room $525,000
Huge Staff Room $656,250
Colossal Staff Room $787,500

Warehouse Upgrades*

Warehouse Cost
Small Room $0
Standard Room $262,500
Large Room $525,000
Huge Room $787,500
Warehouse $1,050,000
Large Warehouse $1,312,500
Huge Warehouse $1,575,000
* Not all companies use warehouses. Keep this in mind when you start a company.


Title M / I / E Required M / I / E Gain Description Special
Harvester 14,000 / 0 / 7,000 51 / 0 / 26 This position handles the harvesting of crops. Assigning people to this job will allow your stock of crops to grow. None
Delivery Driver 23,000 / 0 / 11,500 55 / 0 / 28 This position will deliver crops, livestock and other goods to the buyers location. None
Herdsperson 18,500 / 0 / 9,250 54 / 0 / 27 This position tends to the farm's sheep. Assigning people to this job will allow your stock to slowly grow with sheep. None
Farm Manager 0 / 18,500 / 37,000 0 / 30 / 59 This position is responsible for the whole farm. Manager
Bookkeeper 0 / 14,000 / 28,000 0 / 29 / 57 This position will attempt to calculate what each farmer and employee is worth to the farm. Secretary
Consultant 0 / 55,500 / 27,750 0 / 62 / 31 This position assists the farmers and staff by keeping them well trained. Trainer
Retailer 0 / 18,500 / 9,250 0 / 54 / 27 This position organises the sale of stock to other businesses and shops. This is the primary role for turning your stock into cash. None
Dairy Farmer 23,000 / 0 / 11,500 55 / 0 / 28 This position tends to the livelihood and milking of cows. Assigning people to this job will allow your stock to slowly grow with cows and milk. None
Poultry Farmer 18,500 / 0 / 9,250 54 / 0 / 27 This position tends to the livelihood and egg collection of chickens. Assigning people to this job will allow your stock to slowly grow with chickens and eggs. None
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