
Name Start-up Cost Default Size
Flower Shop [3] $500,000 4
Firework Stand [19] $500,000 4
Candle Shop [8] $500,000 4
Hair Salon [1] $750,000 4
Property Broker [20] $750,000 4
Clothing Store [5] $1,000,000 5
Restaurant [27] $1,000,000 4
Sweet Shop [14] $1,000,000 4
Game Shop [7] $1,250,000 4
Pub [25] $1,250,000 4
Music Store [23] $1,500,000 4
Lingerie Store [32] $1,750,000 4
Adult Novelties [10] $1,750,000 4
Grocery Store [12] $2,000,000 5
Toy Shop [9] $2,000,000 5
Gun Shop [6] $2,500,000 4
Furniture Store [21] $2,500,000 4
Cyber Cafe [11] $3,000,000 4
Mechanic Shop [30] $3,000,000 4
Meat Warehouse [33] $4,000,000 5
Law Firm [2] $4,000,000 4
Gents Strip Club [26] $5,000,000 4
Ladies Strip Club [36] $5,000,000 4
Farm [34] $5,250,000 5
Software Corporation [35] $6,000,000 5
Car Dealership [4] $6,000,000 4
Nightclub [24] $7,500,000 5
Detective Agency [39] $12,000,000 4
Fitness Center [29] $17,000,000 8
Gas Station [22] $25,000,000 4
Theater [13] $50,000,000 6
Amusement Park [31] $100,000,000 8
Cruise Line [15] $300,000,000 6
Zoo [18] $300,000,000 6
Private Security Firm [37] $950,000,000 6
Logistics Management [40] $1,800,000,000 6
Mining Corporation [38] $4,500,000,000 8
Television Network [16] $8,000,000,000 8
Oil Rig [28] $10,500,000,000 12
Company Rank Name Description Cost
Flower Shop 1 Rare Import Special flower 3
Flower Shop 3 Cultivation 25% illegal production success & skill gain 0
Flower Shop 5 Herbal Cleansing Drug addiction reduction 1
Flower Shop 7 Over Capacity 5 travel flower capacity 0
Flower Shop 10 Floral Contacts View stock analysis of flowers in all countries 10
Firework Stand 1 Audaciousness 2 nerve 1
Firework Stand 3 Illumination 50% awareness 0
Firework Stand 5 Pyromania Flamethrower damage & accuracy 0
Firework Stand 7 Explosives Expert Random bomb parts 5
Firework Stand 10 Inferno Random incendiary ammunition 25
Candle Shop 1 Warming Therapy 50 happiness 1
Candle Shop 3 Illumination 50% awareness 0
Candle Shop 5 Calming Therapy 2 nerve 1
Candle Shop 7 Reinvigorating Therapy 5 energy 1
Candle Shop 10 Meditation View someone's true level 250
Hair Salon 1 Debate Experience 1
Hair Salon 3 Gossip View someone's money on hand 10
Hair Salon 5 Rumors 2.0 opponent stealth reduction 0
Hair Salon 7 Cutting Corners 30 minute education time reduction 1
Hair Salon 10 Sweeney's Revenge 20% slashing weapon damage 0
Property Broker 1 Commission Money 1
Property Broker 3 Job Satisfaction 50 happiness 1
Property Broker 5 Vendor Free Item Market & Auction House listings 0
Property Broker 7 Insider Trading Random property 150
Property Broker 10 Interior Connections 10% property upgrade cost reduction 0
Clothing Store 1 Fashion Show Experience 1
Clothing Store 3 Nine to Five 100 endurance 10
Clothing Store 5 Activewear 25% passive dexterity 0
Clothing Store 7 Secret Pockets 75% incoming mug reduction 0
Clothing Store 10 Tailoring 20% armor mitigation bonus 0
Restaurant 1 Free Meals 3 energy 1
Restaurant 3 Butcher 10% melee weapon damage 0
Restaurant 5 Flambayed Flame thrower 50
Restaurant 7 Healthy Diet 2.0% life regeneration 0
Restaurant 10 Professional Metabolism 25% consumable cooldown reduction 0
Sweet Shop 1 Sweet Tooth 50 happiness 1
Sweet Shop 3 Sugar Rush Bag of candy 2
Sweet Shop 5 Gluttony 1,000 happiness 10
Sweet Shop 7 Energy Rush Can of energy drink 15
Sweet Shop 10 Voracious 4,500 happiness 30
Game Shop 1 Ub3rg33k 50% coding time reduction 0
Game Shop 3 Early Release Money 100
Game Shop 5 Gamer 100% happy gain from Game Console 0
Game Shop 7 Power Levelling View progress to your next level 10
Game Shop 10 Overpowered 1 nerve, 5 energy, 50 happiness 1
Pub 1 Pub Lunch 3 energy 1
Pub 3 Drunken Master 10% melee weapon damage 0
Pub 5 Liquid Courage Refill nerve bar 25
Pub 7 Lightweight 50% nerve gain from alcohol 0
Pub 10 Buzzed 15 maximum nerve 0
Music Store 1 Ambience 50 happiness 1
Music Store 3 Well Tuned 30% gym experience 0
Music Store 5 High-fidelity 2.0 opponent stealth reduction 0
Music Store 7 Deafened Maximum stealth 10
Music Store 10 The Score 15% passive battle stats 0
Lingerie Store 1 Nine to Five 100 endurance 10
Lingerie Store 3 Concealment 2 travel item capacity 0
Lingerie Store 5 Born Free 50% passive speed & dexterity when not wearing armor 0
Lingerie Store 7 Simp No property upkeep or staff costs 0
Lingerie Store 10 Sex Appeal Free business class upgrades 0
Adult Novelties 1 Blackmail Money 1
Adult Novelties 3 Voyeur Erotic DVD 20
Adult Novelties 5 Party Supplies Pack of Trojans 500
Adult Novelties 7 Bondage 25% enemy speed reduction 0
Adult Novelties 10 Indecent 100% happy gain from Erotic DVDs 0
Grocery Store 1 Bagged Down Bag of candy 2
Grocery Store 3 Fast Metabolism 10% consumable cooldown reduction 0
Grocery Store 5 Bottled Up Bottle of alcohol 5
Grocery Store 7 Absorption 10% consumable gain 0
Grocery Store 10 Canned In Can of energy drink 12
Toy Shop 1 Memory Lane 50 happiness 1
Toy Shop 3 Jumble Sale Special plushie 3
Toy Shop 5 Gamer 100% happy gain from Game Console 0
Toy Shop 7 Over Capacity 5 travel plushie capacity 0
Toy Shop 10 Toy Importer View stock analysis of plushies in all countries 10
Gun Shop 1 Sales Discount 20% standard ammo cost reduction 0
Gun Shop 3 Surplus Random special ammunition 15
Gun Shop 5 Skilled Analysis Target loadout is always visible 0
Gun Shop 7 Bandoleer 1 extra clip for guns during attacks 0
Gun Shop 10 Firearms Expert 10% primary & secondary weapon damage 0
Furniture Store 1 Coffee Break 3 energy 1
Furniture Store 3 Heavy Lifting Strength 1
Furniture Store 5 Removal 15% theft crime exp & skill gain 0
Furniture Store 7 Beefcake 25% passive strength 0
Furniture Store 10 Brute Force 100% fist & kick damage 0
Cyber Cafe 1 Ub3rg33k 50% coding time reduction 0
Cyber Cafe 3 Clone Data Virus 25
Cyber Cafe 5 Proxy Hacking Cancel a target's virus programming 25
Cyber Cafe 7 IP Tracing View lister of anonymous bounties 25
Cyber Cafe 10 Financial Phishing View details of someone's investment account 25
Mechanic Shop 1 Machinist Racing point 5
Mechanic Shop 3 Discount Parts 75% car parts cost reduction 0
Mechanic Shop 5 Junkyard Dog Random car 10
Mechanic Shop 7 Refurbish Lose no car parts after crashing 0
Mechanic Shop 10 Driver 50% racing skill gain 0
Meat Warehouse 1 Blood Thirst 2 nerve 1
Meat Warehouse 3 Blood Splatter 50% crime XP penalty reduction 0
Meat Warehouse 5 Carnage 10 maximum nerve 0
Meat Warehouse 7 Huntsman 25% hunting skill gain 0
Meat Warehouse 10 Vampiric 3.0% life regeneration 0
Law Firm 1 Bail Bondsman 50% bail cost reduction 0
Law Firm 3 Background Check View someone's stats 10
Law Firm 5 Closing Argument Easier to bust more people at once 0
Law Firm 7 Loophole 20% organised crime skill 0
Law Firm 10 Educated Decisions View success chance of potential busts 0
Gents Strip Club 1 Happy Ending 50 happiness 1
Gents Strip Club 3 Dancer's Flair 25% passive dexterity 0
Gents Strip Club 5 Supple 50% Tyrosine effectiveness & duration 0
Gents Strip Club 7 Pilates 10% dexterity gym gains 0
Gents Strip Club 10 No Touching 25% chance of dodging incoming melee attacks 0
Ladies Strip Club 1 Hot Flush 50 happiness 1
Ladies Strip Club 3 Hench 25% passive defense 0
Ladies Strip Club 5 Hormonal 50% Serotonin effectiveness & duration 0
Ladies Strip Club 7 Boxercise 10% defense gym gains 0
Ladies Strip Club 10 Hardbody 30% incoming melee attacks damage reduction 0
Farm 1 Fulfillment 50 happiness 1
Farm 3 Animal Instinct 25% hunting income 0
Farm 5 Special K Ketamine drug 5
Farm 7 Fertilizer Small explosive device 100
Farm 10 Early Riser 7 energy 1
Software Corporation 1 Ub3rg33k 50% coding time reduction 0
Software Corporation 3 Proxy Hacking Cancel a target's virus programming 25
Software Corporation 5 Intricate Hack Hack a company's bank account 250
Software Corporation 7 Hack the Planet + 25% computer crime success & skill gain 0
Software Corporation 10 Corporate Espionage View financial details of a company 50
Car Dealership 1 Test Drive Racing point 5
Car Dealership 3 Discount Parts 75% car parts cost reduction 0
Car Dealership 5 Salesman Free Item Market & Auction House listings 0
Car Dealership 7 Two-Faced 25% fraud success & skill gain 0
Car Dealership 10 Getaway Car Escape option always available during attacks 0
Nightclub 1 Criminal Connections Experience 1
Nightclub 3 Target Market 25% illicit services success & skill gain 0
Nightclub 5 Suppression Drug addiction 1
Nightclub 7 Tolerance 50% drug overdose risk reduction 0
Nightclub 10 Restraint Education is unaffected by drug addiction 0
Detective Agency 1 References View someone's employment & faction history 2
Detective Agency 3 Deputized Arrest ability 0
Detective Agency 5 Friend or Foe See who's added someone to their friend / enemy list 100
Detective Agency 7 Watchlist Anonymously extend a target's flight time 50
Detective Agency 10 Most Wanted View a list of highest wanted rewards 25
Fitness Center 1 Healthy Mind 30 minute education time reduction 1
Fitness Center 3 Goal Oriented 50% happy loss reduction in gym 0
Fitness Center 5 Roid Rage Strength 1
Fitness Center 7 Athlete 3% life regeneration per tick 0
Fitness Center 10 Training Regime 3% gym gains 0
Gas Station 1 Molotov Cocktail Molotov cocktail 3
Gas Station 3 Fueled 25% passive speed 0
Gas Station 5 Cauterize Occasional healing during combat 0
Gas Station 7 Fireproof 50% fire damage mitigation 0
Gas Station 10 Blaze of Glory 50% fire damage dealt 0
Theater 1 Stagecraft Experience 1
Theater 3 Dramatics Maximum stealth 10
Theater 5 Masked Cannot be targeted by spies 0
Theater 7 Twinlike 25% forgery success rate and skill gain 0
Theater 10 Disguised Hidden destination & traveling status 0
Amusement Park 1 Dauntless 2 nerve 1
Amusement Park 3 Free Ride 250 happiness for target 10
Amusement Park 5 Unflinching 10 maximum nerve 0
Amusement Park 7 Adrenaline Rush 25% Epinephrine effectiveness & duration 0
Amusement Park 10 Thrill Seeker 10% crime exp & skill gain 0
Cruise Line 1 Bursar 25 casino tokens 1
Cruise Line 3 Portage 2 travel item capacity 0
Cruise Line 5 R&R Drug addiction reduction 1
Cruise Line 7 Destination Report View stock analysis of all items at a selected country 10
Cruise Line 10 Freight 3 travel item capacity 0
Zoo 1 Fulfillment 50 happiness 1
Zoo 3 Animal Instinct 25% hunting income 0
Zoo 5 Special K Ketamine drug 5
Zoo 7 Eye of the Tiger 70% awareness 0
Zoo 10 Seasoned Poacher 3.0 accuracy 0
Private Security Firm 1 Off the Grid 72 hour bounty protection 20
Private Security Firm 3 Tactical Breach 50% Flash Grenade intensity 0
Private Security Firm 5 Open Arsenal Primary or Secondary weapon 75
Private Security Firm 7 Regulation 25% full set armor mitigation bonus 0
Private Security Firm 10 Mercenary 3 mission credits 1
Logistics Management 1 Efficiency Speed 1
Logistics Management 3 Organized 2 additional open mission contracts 0
Logistics Management 5 Repatriated Return from abroad while in hospital 0
Logistics Management 7 Contraband Shipment of foreign goods 50
Logistics Management 10 Logistics Report Company productivity boost 250
Mining Corporation 1 Salty Salt Shaker 5
Mining Corporation 3 Thirsty Work 30% alcohol cooldown reduction 0
Mining Corporation 5 Rock Salt Defense 1
Mining Corporation 7 Essential Salts 10% maximum life 0
Mining Corporation 10 Preserved Meat Boosts current life to 150% of maximum 25
Television Network 1 Propaganda 1 faction respect 5
Television Network 3 Scoop 50% newspaper advertising cost reduction 0
Television Network 5 Inside Story View someone's stats & money 15
Television Network 7 Bad Publicity 25% extortion success rate and skill gain 0
Television Network 10 Press Pass Receive special privileges 25
Oil Rig 1 Danger Money Money 1
Oil Rig 3 Embargo Halve a target's happiness 50
Oil Rig 5 Oil Mogul Reduce bank investment time by 1 hour 3
Oil Rig 7 Tax Haven 10% offshore bank interest 0
Oil Rig 10 Fat Cat 50% investment banking limit 0
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