Description | Price |
Jaguar Plushie | $14,909 |
Dahlia | $1,947 |
Wolverine Plushie | $7,016 |
Crocus | $6,662 |
Orchid | $21,099 |
Nessie Plushie | $34,160 |
Heather | $39,055 |
Red Fox Plushie | $35,502 |
Monkey Plushie | $37,255 |
Ceibo Flower | $31,690 |
Edelweiss | $2,180 |
Chamois Plushie | $7,803 |
Panda Plushie | $56,078 |
Peony | $59,216 |
Cherry Blossom | $50,291 |
Lion Plushie | $63,125 |
African Violet | $59,367 |
Camel Plushie | $82,022 |
Tribulus Omanense | $68,258 |
Banana Orchid | $10,551 |
Stingray Plushie | $7,341 |
Daffodil | $601 |
Bunch of Carnations | $556 |
White Lily | $11,131 |
Smoke Grenade | $83,546 |
Can of Munster | $1,363,339 |
Can of Red Cow | $1,850,223 |
Can of Taurine Elite | $3,219,035 |
Can of Santa Shooters | $1,350,556 |
Can of Rockstar Rudolph | $1,835,573 |
Can of X-MASS | $3,209,780 |
Can of Goose Juice | $285,989 |
Can of Damp Valley | $576,230 |
Can of Crocozade | $887,592 |
Lottery Voucher | $843,787 |
Drug Pack | $4,032,002 |
Keg of Beer | $8,000,110 |
Jacket | $555 |
Xanax | $814,807 |
Description | Price |
Dahlia | $1,947 |
Crocus | $6,662 |
Orchid | $21,099 |
Heather | $39,055 |
Ceibo Flower | $31,690 |
Edelweiss | $2,180 |
Peony | $59,216 |
Cherry Blossom | $50,291 |
African Violet | $59,367 |
Tribulus Omanense | $68,258 |
Banana Orchid | $10,551 |
Daffodil | $601 |
Bunch of Carnations | $556 |
White Lily | $11,131 |
Description | Price |
Jaguar Plushie | $14,909 |
Wolverine Plushie | $7,016 |
Nessie Plushie | $34,160 |
Red Fox Plushie | $35,502 |
Monkey Plushie | $37,255 |
Chamois Plushie | $7,803 |
Panda Plushie | $56,078 |
Lion Plushie | $63,125 |
Camel Plushie | $82,022 |
Stingray Plushie | $7,341 |
Description | Price |
Smoke Grenade | $83,546 |
Description | Price |
Can of Munster | $1,363,339 |
Can of Red Cow | $1,850,223 |
Can of Taurine Elite | $3,219,035 |
Can of Santa Shooters | $1,350,556 |
Can of Rockstar Rudolph | $1,835,573 |
Can of X-MASS | $3,209,780 |
Can of Goose Juice | $285,989 |
Can of Damp Valley | $576,230 |
Can of Crocozade | $887,592 |
Description | Price |
Lottery Voucher | $843,787 |
Drug Pack | $4,032,002 |
Keg of Beer | $8,000,110 |
Description | Price |
Jacket | $555 |
Description | Price |
Xanax | $814,807 |
If you have any questions or problems, please contact a staff member on Torn Stats' Discord.
Any individual player's data will not be reviewed beyond security or maintenance reasons.