House of Dragonborn vs Kingdom of Berk

Target: 6,001 / 6,000

Score: 6,030

Member Count: 59

They have received 4,699 bonus respect, 1,551 points, Medium Arms Cache x2, Melee Cache x1, Small Arms Cache x3, Armor Cache x1

Member Level Attacks Score
S_S [554360] 39 59 292.63
Dragonborn [1970466] 60 9 32.17
gillie511 [2126486] 33 25 53.96
Fenris1337 [2140090] 30 57 251.06
Lonewolfl00l [2152699] 39 53 179.11
ajuK [2205207] 34 20 60.13
Fenris85 [2311974] 53 16 48.99
LuciusAgrippa [2424844] 69 19 133.06
Mylad [2445627] 35 16 43.92
K351 [2451362] 33 2 9.36
Barsolo [2473059] 43 1 2.55
SliverPython [2492095] 45 26 75.67
McMaxwell [2537260] 21 6 31.72
GoddessCheshire [2543434] 55 29 460.86
TheTwitch [2553183] 39 61 174.69
sakkakuh [2555858] 40 38 132.92
FlameEmperor [2574038] 21 62 218.74
GruttePierFrl [2586061] 46 54 155.86
KlemEntine [2588281] 55 50 121.77
TheSkyDraconian [2592353] 40 11 23.71
mrhoodedclaw [2593693] 21 67 365.22
Roberto [2613418] 70 62 150.50
Mentali [2627790] 32 59 146.85
Pentavus [2632874] 37 51 216.57
PrettyPatty [2638771] 45 51 158.84
Kloyychan [2644286] 40 6 15.03
smooshmc [2649236] 44 21 96.83
RaSiGha [2651542] 45 60 188.58
Stecom [2657736] 30 40 91.70
Dillono [2681024] 25 39 96.89
TheHunter- [2683253] 29 2 2.23
styrofoamgod [2690782] 34 46 344.46
hello0o0o0o0 [2694784] 34 53 164.62
X-PartyPoison-X [2699286] 36 57 239.04
LukasL [2700401] 24 32 762.43
DudeOnFire [2710979] 16 25 110.48
LordChao0s [2725170] 20 21 93.29
networkedouija [2725822] 31 34 118.84
licosta41 [2734943] 18 60 165.21
CasterRoam [2491788] 39 0 0.00
ITKJ [2398198] 20 0 0.00
Reflex696 [2644025] 25 0 0.00
WitchyWark [2643013] 25 0 0.00
Drock1980 [2646826] 16 0 0.00
rareyush [2585880] 28 0 0.00
JKO [2673537] 15 0 0.00
hacmoc [2686486] 26 0 0.00
Aedes [2681290] 19 0 0.00
yrisan [2646614] 19 0 0.00
Deshark [2699091] 26 0 0.00
HoangVy [332251] 26 0 0.00
Bee-Man [969452] 56 0 0.00
Whitelord [2242499] 29 0 0.00
Uncle_Iroh [2265618] 21 0 0.00
RTXumbra1224 [2725178] 20 0 0.00
Inferno_02 [2694550] 28 0 0.00
XajeZagor [2578876] 35 0 0.00
RedDRagOn_18 [2732941] 20 0 0.00
Stecomshoho [2665672] 23 0 0.00

Score: 29

Member Count: 44

They have received 703 bonus respect, 232 points, Melee Cache x1

Member Level Attacks Score
Miko-Chan [1714465] 30 2 8.36
Toothless [2188877] 58 3 12.44
QueenFairy420 [2682358] 50 2 8.49
Blu3fox84 [2135310] 14 0 0.00
KingKarXO [2751116] 16 0 0.00
Elliel001 [2749580] 11 0 0.00
DjiSamSoe [2752030] 20 0 0.00
NyGi [2752836] 22 0 0.00
lenzon101 [2746117] 18 0 0.00
007isBt [2754267] 13 0 0.00
Macross56709 [2651073] 29 0 0.00
Kingnoupees69 [2700984] 7 0 0.00
LukiferB [2629135] 27 0 0.00
ghO_st [2762389] 10 0 0.00
HunuTzy [2692722] 10 0 0.00
BaremDon [2739082] 16 0 0.00
Lucifer9992022 [2758525] 8 0 0.00
Bhimal [2004773] 35 0 0.00
Hahalol [2698894] 13 0 0.00
KingDefalt [2419502] 15 0 0.00
SupremeWoob [2769510] 7 0 0.00
PainBringerX2 [2769393] 4 0 0.00
y0shi [2768926] 5 0 0.00
BloodEyeKing [2766004] 3 0 0.00
ATLgirl [2769434] 11 0 0.00
KaidenNim [2767779] 3 0 0.00
nxt3p [2769528] 3 0 0.00
YngHoudini [2768894] 12 0 0.00
BabzQC [2768889] 1 0 0.00
Johnathanjay [2769587] 3 0 0.00
Goochflab [2769550] 16 0 0.00
Duchess_Cupcake [2769581] 3 0 0.00
PandaPlays [2768709] 5 0 0.00
SassySara69 [2769589] 6 0 0.00
gor [2769521] 10 0 0.00
DustSlinger44 [2769402] 3 0 0.00
Hinru [2769600] 3 0 0.00
ShardSystem [2769198] 4 0 0.00
Trod94 [2769212] 10 0 0.00
liaaaaaaaa [2769147] 3 0 0.00
Masonkdog [2673131] 15 0 0.00
fero_dragon [1734504] 18 0 0.00
Direwolf02 [2281886] 16 0 0.00
Refinity [2766640] 4 0 0.00
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