Dystopia vs Nub Navy

Target: 9,104 / 9,100

Score: 10,648

Member Count: 83

They have received 5,598 bonus respect, 1,847 points, Armor Cache x3, Small Arms Cache x3, Medium Arms Cache x1

Member Level Attacks Score
Nurz [283351] 100 61 829.26
NovaRift [378706] 90 67 550.93
_NoRmaL_ [460643] 71 14 113.13
ShaoLinMonkey [468144] 98 31 310.62
Hunden [597470] 95 63 495.10
deelicious_one [897975] 99 47 576.15
Greegs [934123] 77 27 288.36
luckyLEAF [965449] 50 8 106.93
Shamonty [1041479] 94 9 74.08
Ezreal [1417395] 90 1 14.38
Tiger25 [1629598] 93 25 678.14
Ugljesha [1703160] 45 10 52.52
kenthnathan [1867701] 68 5 59.00
emilxtr [1896553] 85 15 129.38
pigiu [1964843] 81 13 90.67
DaweX [1992442] 86 9 74.23
rabbit [1995921] 85 22 244.04
Verrus [2040347] 85 23 283.32
BaronVonMarlon [2163275] 93 24 949.21
Saloveba [2192273] 55 14 133.30
Annakins [2194846] 90 14 171.28
Sunnykuk [2195983] 90 27 312.46
Jvxta [2199233] 88 6 67.32
Elusive_Oni [2199287] 86 12 120.26
Moose807 [2206128] 91 2 25.48
TheUnholyKnight [2211145] 82 32 484.74
Fowlfarmer [2227307] 50 12 119.43
BigEz [2268256] 69 4 34.78
Platoz [2320613] 80 4 35.26
Wootty2000 [2344687] 85 16 227.10
JaydenWilliams [2385498] 57 7 54.69
DrJevie [2385912] 79 13 151.57
Shakor [2416134] 89 28 254.86
Dtaylor [2421303] 89 35 353.95
Vhaeraz [2454199] 70 11 54.79
JhayArZee [2455208] 57 4 35.11
PiggieSmalls [2458745] 50 2 28.35
ElCapo88 [2504650] 75 13 125.11
PatrickBateman [2505565] 60 6 80.99
-OWEN- [2516099] 87 41 558.69
Musa_Kesedzija [2529100] 50 2 11.09
Skariff [2543702] 60 6 80.30
Blaze222 [2547404] 60 7 73.41
Batsurafu [2556293] 70 14 170.57
Opperpax [2577367] 80 56 459.16
PhilMe [2590086] 65 14 82.28
DaigleTheBagel [2605129] 70 32 313.96
Cayde-6 [2605131] 50 8 97.63
Kieran [2654622] 50 1 11.25
scott180sx [2140858] 25 0 0.00
Samael-Lucifer [2100279] 83 0 0.00
Psitt [2324601] 54 0 0.00
evinthomas123 [2295199] 78 0 0.00
Juli15 [2342394] 76 0 0.00
Bryawn [571426] 79 0 0.00
Kookako [2251872] 90 0 0.00
KoolAider [2457960] 50 0 0.00
deepthroat88 [2577938] 80 0 0.00
autumnfall [1880062] 80 0 0.00
Symba [497083] 80 0 0.00
VinaigreBlanc [2126991] 75 0 0.00
ubidoob [2527073] 70 0 0.00
Necromancer [913321] 69 0 0.00
sprulesy [1873621] 66 0 0.00
Lazerpent [2112641] 53 0 0.00
AngrySatan [2353731] 47 0 0.00
Scythe [2045424] 50 0 0.00
TSI-Athena [2492351] 31 0 0.00
Kitty [2610659] 45 0 0.00
_Yomage_ [1974211] 88 0 0.00
B14K3 [1972117] 45 0 0.00
JenniferG [2586856] 40 0 0.00
Drunky [2191081] 84 0 0.00
Raphael-90 [2757900] 25 0 0.00
oddpotato [2029408] 33 0 0.00
Malkavo [2244799] 79 0 0.00
MrPablo [2613101] 72 0 0.00
Wil [2214372] 96 0 0.00
AurezX [2038474] 45 0 0.00
itsali [2744797] 31 0 0.00
mrocznooki [2765713] 24 0 0.00
faygokilledme [1479486] 80 0 0.00
hasibnibir [2756530] 15 0 0.00

Score: 1,544

Member Count: 74

They have received 684 bonus respect, 226 points, Small Arms Cache x1

Member Level Attacks Score
Coconsy [60714] 86 9 53.13
ashby [330313] 100 2 15.49
RogueShark21 [969405] 79 1 2.71
Furio_Guinta [1659543] 20 26 106.74
Drontos [1682781] 80 2 18.29
Betrayer [1870130] 50 21 116.10
Schnitzel [1880691] 100 4 35.81
4n4rchist [1905520] 76 21 235.53
kwartz [2002288] 100 12 114.35
MisterLego [2060938] 88 1 2.70
avgust2006 [2064892] 60 7 41.86
quatuorlapache [2079387] 65 10 115.82
Argozdoc [2116723] 85 3 24.83
beaverhunter [2190204] 60 4 25.69
SpudBossman [2212455] 80 2 10.84
HectorBerlioz [2281635] 85 9 56.67
ToobZWolf [2295922] 31 25 124.50
vgsdaer [2373350] 65 23 149.65
smaaen [2444158] 64 3 16.01
-LeGenDr4GoN- [2446333] 30 1 4.21
AK_Union47 [2469328] 80 1 5.35
Slaterz [2479416] 81 11 70.23
variaxshev [2483080] 75 6 26.09
CYBERDOG321 [2495443] 61 6 17.05
Matoros [2507667] 65 1 2.18
Funweezy [2525066] 59 10 32.37
KiLLaFiSh [2539420] 65 4 19.99
eikel [2579160] 40 1 3.00
Mummo [2604322] 65 12 70.67
Firelord_Zuko [2661114] 50 9 26.52
Drazer [1861391] 60 0 0.00
berg [1558790] 80 0 0.00
Itsuki-Sempai [106195] 86 0 0.00
tabassboulba [2014333] 55 0 0.00
Joarib [1808459] 56 0 0.00
PapaAndreas [2169463] 76 0 0.00
mehlad [2152379] 80 0 0.00
Drakkus [1358398] 71 0 0.00
Xeranthum [1866270] 50 0 0.00
h4xnoodle [2315090] 75 0 0.00
Rahmses [2323287] 81 0 0.00
Vomisacaasi [2402947] 66 0 0.00
OverlordofFlies [2418619] 50 0 0.00
RainingTaco [2126909] 26 0 0.00
Penny1 [2376103] 65 0 0.00
Luckrook [2363236] 40 0 0.00
Davell [2421902] 81 0 0.00
X88B88_88B88X [2396329] 15 0 0.00
Lambarda [561719] 50 0 0.00
moonlife [2577457] 41 0 0.00
GuruSteve [2569585] 35 0 0.00
Mumodip [2577021] 42 0 0.00
IndyCision [2597200] 15 0 0.00
Mojodongo [2189766] 80 0 0.00
Ince_Memed [2606648] 20 0 0.00
RockMuff [511652] 95 0 0.00
SolidSnakee [1895824] 60 0 0.00
mdemir [2628021] 40 0 0.00
Manuito [2225097] 75 0 0.00
Jf2611 [2013935] 30 0 0.00
adamhere [985489] 89 0 0.00
Phil013 [2601918] 60 0 0.00
VanHorn [2535063] 50 0 0.00
MazingerZ [1074243] 29 0 0.00
NoEvras [2383064] 60 0 0.00
Phade82 [2543952] 50 0 0.00
MooglyMoo [2561411] 35 0 0.00
Rainy63 [2662679] 32 0 0.00
Boilermaker23 [2577243] 44 0 0.00
Qzwx420 [1425036] 50 0 0.00
StevenSnow [2182218] 15 0 0.00
bobsnvagene [2710794] 46 0 0.00
ThuyBong [2737776] 19 0 0.00
Pixiv [2241021] 49 0 0.00
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