Target: 6,014 / 5,500

Score: 6,568

Member Count: 39

They have received 3,820 bonus respect, 1,261 points, Armor Cache x1, Medium Arms Cache x2, Small Arms Cache x2

Member Level Attacks Score
Plabon [1405029] 87 59 1,236.50
tanj [1419469] 90 41 639.04
EarthStyle [1432032] 84 12 98.19
HABLU [1444709] 97 49 509.66
Mad_Bunny [1689303] 76 62 661.19
kuchuki [1873617] 64 18 153.21
Blumps [2123435] 40 14 83.81
ern4434 [2140002] 48 38 281.90
XDarthRevanX [2141150] 54 2 5.02
SnoopDoggyDogg [2160161] 74 25 149.30
Engels [2163679] 42 1 10.90
Dongerondo [2239443] 40 13 78.63
ManHumping_Goat [2262761] 61 5 18.83
Ninjabom2 [2336935] 47 47 391.84
Siriaco [2391092] 39 7 33.31
Kandge [2476827] 85 64 604.17
whiteout810 [2477480] 54 6 39.20
RonnyBoi [2480369] 61 5 26.84
Lord_nitrox [2529396] 36 24 150.22
Alrena [2578478] 59 54 587.69
22Reflex [2595471] 62 62 392.37
LimeATron [2681325] 33 2 12.47
Ane [2686635] 40 1 2.88
Turfdoge [2689901] 28 1 5.41
Darkipoo [2695310] 26 15 122.98
RoxiSinister [2695635] 37 5 22.75
UtopianPower [2754699] 16 38 250.67
Triplicant [2037705] 92 0 0.00
Sadaka [2161801] 26 0 0.00
EpicOne [2590618] 62 0 0.00
JackxHeart [2171637] 42 0 0.00
FLess80008 [2651454] 37 0 0.00
sutadhana [2691362] 25 0 0.00
Nelyna [2336132] 32 0 0.00
D_21 [2399895] 23 0 0.00
Desai [2752862] 25 0 0.00
smalllama [2174411] 31 0 0.00
SMoto [1742026] 20 0 0.00
Triple_D_V2 [2772175] 16 0 0.00

Score: 554

Member Count: 52

They have received 425 bonus respect, 140 points, Small Arms Cache x1

Member Level Attacks Score
Neeks [23918] 65 3 17.38
piranhas [181315] 85 6 38.70
dj-bones [491717] 50 4 21.10
The_Ravenge [918378] 100 5 34.18
FB-Lucky_sal [1125078] 67 1 5.48
wang7 [1770466] 41 6 21.89
TAX-EVADER [2000903] 74 1 2.44
XMrsStormX [2053863] 37 2 7.42
Drop_Acid [2054891] 38 2 16.88
Guido2802 [2069391] 48 1 2.53
Dibos [2080231] 71 27 130.70
KeanuReeves [2141005] 69 5 20.58
angryshark1122 [2161253] 35 2 9.87
DARK-TEMPLAR [2315109] 81 36 162.31
Samstorm [2337402] 89 7 47.48
GardenCenter [2538567] 55 2 9.55
Grandpa1969 [2698718] 37 1 5.64
Youngzay97 [2446005] 31 0 0.00
Ded_the_drunk [2670810] 24 0 0.00
Plitsell [1895124] 51 0 0.00
Holden [198190] 53 0 0.00
Theognis [2557150] 24 0 0.00
__Berlin__ [2293674] 30 0 0.00
Dunkern [2719660] 20 0 0.00
Gachar [2644647] 20 0 0.00
CGEMIYA [2410522] 21 0 0.00
Axtonz [2245279] 41 0 0.00
Matb12 [2615330] 25 0 0.00
VioletIsobel [2555101] 48 0 0.00
Moe_Nuggz [1761961] 89 0 0.00
Scousjo [1582731] 49 0 0.00
quagmire_ [849240] 77 0 0.00
GodxDi [2028160] 59 0 0.00
JayJay7775 [1625738] 64 0 0.00
SlayerJO [2040472] 90 0 0.00
Bolverkr [122301] 100 0 0.00
SpAdes123 [2079843] 60 0 0.00
WeedBum420 [2085230] 40 0 0.00
Thelordkosta [1137969] 86 0 0.00
Brunz [2226219] 70 0 0.00
Gokuluffy [1430670] 50 0 0.00
Hannah_081 [2776400] 13 0 0.00
Tyroneuous [2072471] 40 0 0.00
666Jk47KING [2052825] 50 0 0.00
ISuckAtThis92 [2776223] 15 0 0.00
JMoggsy [2513162] 43 0 0.00
Playerthree707 [2536500] 45 0 0.00
Nexard [2245754] 42 0 0.00
Atang03 [2707630] 30 0 0.00
pengo_ [2704769] 21 0 0.00
Gremmon [2134875] 21 0 0.00
NihalWoodpecker [2342687] 71 0 0.00
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