BoW - The United vs New Sith Order

Target: 7,106 / 7,100

Score: 1,287

Member Count: 73

They have received 870 bonus respect, 287 points, Melee Cache x1

Member Level Attacks Score
kriegminister [492840] 89 9 35.60
tossi [549883] 39 20 67.18
JASONX [579934] 50 42 218.41
_JoJo_ [1285768] 64 41 241.04
Drking [1915976] 60 3 10.17
RynOfHouseBlack [1941825] 45 2 4.40
SailorFlipFlop [2003806] 64 17 47.27
Subzero [2075640] 15 4 21.01
Y4G4 [2110429] 38 6 21.22
Vlad_the_Stoic [2193829] 43 21 93.28
Smootherook [2262153] 50 5 15.79
BigDucky [2294330] 35 7 24.53
Oldnicholas07 [2298486] 50 6 34.93
Alicielle [2419752] 37 7 22.95
HarryDresden01 [2483416] 26 5 32.48
Raven_smithy [2491869] 50 17 76.65
king_midas [2501224] 57 5 14.78
Aija22 [2506462] 45 16 40.20
Sinshadow32 [2543171] 50 5 15.19
cpeepss [2561465] 41 4 20.59
Pr3PP-E [2568955] 43 5 17.58
Raisuu [2619073] 48 3 7.11
Pandacrush420 [2619633] 21 1 6.23
Bigshott [2667887] 32 2 7.06
CollateralDMG01 [2669515] 27 1 1.70
Asphyxi0philia [2670092] 35 7 22.12
Puddle [2676869] 39 8 34.43
FirasAnaqi [2683889] 15 1 6.31
L_i_A_m [2695733] 28 5 18.52
Noctua_Minervae [2699118] 25 3 9.42
Bitter_Sweet [2700496] 45 6 13.66
Moggur [2717805] 28 4 20.89
DerStilleBob [2723234] 33 5 20.09
Luminous3 [2754607] 33 11 45.17
TBreezy [1634934] 42 0 0.00
KazKat [2490536] 26 0 0.00
SubSonicFury [2400809] 46 0 0.00
theJOO [1991449] 35 0 0.00
yuki120 [1985125] 62 0 0.00
KhaoticMango [2288841] 50 0 0.00
Apple01 [2622511] 39 0 0.00
B0MBH3AD [2652640] 28 0 0.00
Cerridwen0813 [1862956] 31 0 0.00
holyduck [2631339] 32 0 0.00
Noname2018 [2414121] 25 0 0.00
Lady_Hypoxia [2699433] 25 0 0.00
iamdecaptainow [2726027] 21 0 0.00
thy4n1 [2683790] 25 0 0.00
Sansation [2384896] 25 0 0.00
Mrehistan [2736397] 21 0 0.00
NachoFNconcern [2736781] 19 0 0.00
Slick_toon [2574946] 32 0 0.00
Vejoinka [2650347] 31 0 0.00
daybreak [1430068] 25 0 0.00
Invictus85 [1697051] 50 0 0.00
jarquavious566 [1848929] 15 0 0.00
OGDucky [2753704] 9 0 0.00
ObsoleteFuture [2009361] 50 0 0.00
Ronald_Weasley [2256438] 32 0 0.00
blueboyxx [2753961] 11 0 0.00
Mamiroe [2297379] 25 0 0.00
Zephyranth [2757421] 20 0 0.00
Megumin [2758470] 4 0 0.00
Primearch [2758424] 15 0 0.00
Nightingale3689 [2659790] 14 0 0.00
Jackhasabigrack [2565822] 19 0 0.00
MrZer0 [2745324] 20 0 0.00
manideep0544 [2764031] 15 0 0.00
TonyTXG [2459881] 26 0 0.00
Queenstoner3 [2767300] 3 0 0.00
XxXEgAnXxX [515250] 39 0 0.00
Ketchup333 [2719816] 22 0 0.00
Wajdas [2623675] 21 0 0.00

Score: 8,393

Member Count: 62

They have received 4,719 bonus respect, 1,557 points, Melee Cache x2, Armor Cache x3

Member Level Attacks Score
SarmatianEmpire [565880] 50 81 592.55
Cablewarf [1346470] 40 94 713.81
-div3- [1658328] 28 58 391.98
Dookie_Shoes [2049374] 40 28 194.36
MaxTKB [2334348] 53 40 320.38
Scaeve [2341096] 52 3 20.16
Critter4life [2520978] 48 3 8.24
Ketamine4Kids [2593572] 1 7 33.48
krasswez [2667147] 42 22 119.40
Bixwe [2668282] 24 4 27.62
Duderonomy [2672517] 32 9 54.12
Mordanere [2688689] 35 30 189.15
FNTSTIC [2689320] 39 62 485.27
Fermion [2691036] 58 38 309.59
AcornInaBush [2695313] 25 43 345.72
LittleFacts [2696796] 20 42 301.73
BeansB4Bed [2736867] 21 20 137.74
CJDips [2738947] 25 2 21.46
Devnel [2751777] 19 20 780.55
Orange [2753330] 5 37 264.83
Glandem [2753716] 26 55 484.69
Zozio [2753720] 28 50 419.14
TexasTulip [2756620] 25 21 143.20
SillyNoodle [2756857] 25 9 78.76
BigAlMk [2757947] 31 50 326.33
BotMomGamer [2758185] 25 39 633.00
Braderrr [2762218] 23 42 268.78
TxWarren [2762278] 18 3 11.34
Dexdasterdly [2762409] 22 2 17.16
Bigmamma10 [2764037] 20 29 197.44
SnowballStremch [2764186] 21 16 111.62
ProfessorWombat [2765246] 20 13 111.50
C1oaked [2768022] 20 24 148.10
yahoo58 [2769126] 22 11 81.17
Feetloaf [2772381] 20 3 12.09
Pirrro [2774713] 16 1 2.26
Laytomata [2774932] 15 8 34.32
CarolTG [2566537] 31 0 0.00
Anbe [2306492] 40 0 0.00
OmegaRedPanda [2617489] 27 0 0.00
nck330 [1672708] 62 0 0.00
Bacon_God [2025795] 26 0 0.00
Dillard76 [2629572] 30 0 0.00
JOttenmiller [2735954] 11 0 0.00
gHosTsHaDoWmisT [2378426] 38 0 0.00
Crixus007 [2603806] 53 0 0.00
Icewing [1352672] 83 0 0.00
Mentas [2758178] 18 0 0.00
KamehaMei [2651338] 44 0 0.00
Kali0217 [2099263] 56 0 0.00
Foyndal [2599812] 30 0 0.00
No_Existence [2742127] 27 0 0.00
NinjaRedneck [2767053] 17 0 0.00
BanditoTigre [2769078] 14 0 0.00
loganssbell [2699724] 21 0 0.00
DecEcho [2772368] 19 0 0.00
Whohaha [2773642] 15 0 0.00
HenryThaWarlock [2772870] 15 0 0.00
PK98 [2776608] 15 0 0.00
TheRealDoctor [2758583] 22 0 0.00
GhettoWarrior [2772660] 16 0 0.00
Ravenevar [2003673] 30 0 0.00
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