Chicken Farm vs Erudite

Target: 2,845 / 2,842

Score: 3,209

Member Count: 11

They have received 1,321 bonus respect, 436 points, Medium Arms Cache x1, Small Arms Cache x1

Member Level Attacks Score
Vile [1599898] 40 115 702.64
kidfroze [2184647] 30 91 412.47
Steem [2316142] 70 75 420.12
Infected_ [2400641] 12 59 206.74
Tornadocenter [2462968] 58 84 312.54
rmrgrg [2640972] 16 62 364.05
Setfree30 [2762399] 19 57 241.54
JakeNoStateFarm [2763795] 20 63 321.94
pointjupiterr [2772531] 8 4 17.73
PapaSorin [2772739] 12 44 210.12
Mcfctrav25 [2740674] 23 0 0.00

Score: 364

Member Count: 15

They have received 496 bonus respect, 164 points, Small Arms Cache x1

Member Level Attacks Score
143143 [1349440] 48 11 56.87
ChaChaSwipe [1956633] 24 15 53.83
WannaWin [2244170] 46 2 4.51
Monkey-D-Luffy [2434311] 57 50 188.66
Kaungsett [2466761] 41 2 13.27
Jeaninee [2555191] 17 4 42.30
PadrinosGamer [2779285] 11 1 4.62
Toast1009 [2779632] 6 0 0.00
Corvo420 [2342729] 14 0 0.00
angelamh [2702700] 7 0 0.00
Malsavir [2778853] 10 0 0.00
Humanoid11 [2702225] 12 0 0.00
Deadlocks [2558212] 17 0 0.00
RobertN [2203458] 11 0 0.00
CHICKEN69 [1818315] 16 0 0.00
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