Unity vs Voodoo

Target: 4,593 / 4,590

Score: 10,848

Member Count: 39

They have received 2,199 bonus respect, 726 points, Armor Cache x1, Medium Arms Cache x1

Member Level Attacks Score
Masterz [169332] 39 70 1,105.00
_Cam [886794] 96 44 495.59
bigbeef91 [1024298] 42 13 63.26
-AKA-Spark [1207312] 65 131 699.54
Mike_AS [1363448] 27 8 58.97
Jaker [1457422] 60 2 8.78
Anarchy88 [1537345] 28 4 14.89
Bethosis [1862122] 55 23 130.00
Tinybubble [1885249] 100 191 2,025.72
Airofina [1968579] 29 46 189.78
night5talk3r [1978010] 27 23 130.55
Pancakegh [2016971] 30 21 162.26
aungwaiyantun [2022604] 63 28 244.00
spuge [2083559] 65 75 593.72
BloodAngels [2149153] 18 10 71.03
Elitedeano [2184363] 40 49 166.12
ThaLaboskii [2283570] 43 109 639.44
The_Silent [2304640] 40 33 250.91
MrHthePanda [2355397] 27 20 121.69
Kaykot [2467126] 30 19 128.26
K0k3r0t [2477991] 24 16 81.90
Jabajaba [2499335] 65 104 926.98
Whalter_Whit [2504716] 17 23 168.22
The_Advisor [2561779] 39 19 116.37
CastorP [2632654] 31 12 73.94
WaffleMan07 [2643387] 23 18 124.68
pokkis [2668141] 30 31 234.09
Fooligan [2673444] 26 1 6.83
Jacktheknife [2675506] 25 9 45.28
Loganclaws [2688806] 16 36 343.09
Spofforth [2692779] 29 12 76.94
BruceRingsting [2693304] 28 5 36.34
Extremepickles [2696095] 23 5 33.84
BigSixer [2696455] 24 26 163.77
MustaKustaa [2703234] 30 31 221.97
The_Lone_Hunter [2708189] 25 59 386.18
Rayner_Vanguard [2709355] 15 7 53.81
RavagingRanger [2717325] 33 52 338.46
Busters72 [2724736] 15 17 116.11

Score: 6,255

Member Count: 49

They have received 1,112 bonus respect, 367 points, Medium Arms Cache x1

Member Level Attacks Score
Seldom_Seen [182623] 99 61 355.67
theITALIAN [459240] 74 13 91.75
--Huntress-- [894553] 40 106 553.00
TheRipper [1035892] 56 71 374.13
Mildsedative [1942542] 69 37 139.27
JustMeAndBlue [2102081] 50 16 78.48
SqrlMnky [2110038] 40 16 82.27
StealthySpider [2110426] 40 6 36.61
Badsaying [2125102] 33 10 49.00
DragunicGaming [2134921] 28 4 24.10
Perichan [2175576] 29 8 49.97
-DEACON- [2177035] 40 52 188.02
Signshunter [2303704] 60 86 452.09
MadMartigan16 [2323784] 57 56 292.75
ParkerLuck [2327323] 47 51 360.46
HONDO [2328554] 50 18 82.07
-TANGO- [2335453] 71 127 596.55
Myioke [2365232] 60 45 265.24
MagicMushy [2386359] 50 46 216.71
Siesta [2422955] 28 1 6.18
Capespear [2467068] 49 10 62.09
Arvina [2509324] 58 96 377.48
Anesh [2565477] 40 11 75.46
ChromiumSing [2569283] 57 18 109.81
KCSpence [2589539] 21 11 48.16
Mor-Goth [2611681] 37 24 128.74
timbott [2639289] 61 35 215.94
Daisyju [2639905] 55 29 235.71
Wheelybod [2640498] 45 11 73.66
Badgerrati [2643703] 42 7 42.61
-Bacon- [2644351] 48 51 291.19
Panolnt [2677314] 26 14 131.52
danavucko [2678066] 30 6 43.71
Jisnu [2689997] 21 2 13.24
ashley2000 [2694563] 25 1 5.80
Byetu_Nel [2732429] 17 16 105.66
PrimoZerk [2572432] 18 0 0.00
Spookyghost [2655914] 24 0 0.00
BackToTorn [2714127] 23 0 0.00
BimmerDK [2704781] 15 0 0.00
MrMooses [2639437] 23 0 0.00
TearsD0Falll [2732010] 16 0 0.00
Velusio [2222781] 16 0 0.00
SirGriffin [2161130] 21 0 0.00
HelloBubbles [2607110] 23 0 0.00
Tripod_Peanut [2100385] 25 0 0.00
CptnSpaulding [866146] 50 0 0.00
Ashri [2695374] 22 0 0.00
Rasta_Man [465785] 48 0 0.00
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