The Akatsuki 2.0 vs The Mile High Coalition

Target: 3,703 / 3,700

Score: 412

Member Count: 17

They have received 889 bonus respect, 293 points, Melee Cache x1

Member Level Attacks Score
shroomies [1895261] 36 1 1.99
Veteranz [1941838] 41 21 146.10
BlackBeast [2695317] 23 1 3.65
hedonist [2697411] 45 13 57.66
BigHerryBalls [2704996] 29 17 65.58
Cloudi [2783082] 32 37 113.63
Jormungdandr [2786764] 30 3 24.00
jokoN1 [2869735] 10 0 0.00
333MythGzmer [2875168] 6 0 0.00
SideWinder_ [2832652] 12 0 0.00
godxer522 [2875161] 16 0 0.00
Edwardk159 [2775918] 22 0 0.00
Albedo_ [2823649] 31 0 0.00
Mr_Krabz [1986523] 45 0 0.00
Batistuta [1265769] 31 0 0.00
kekemoy [2859177] 6 0 0.00
BigboobsHooker [2037973] 49 0 0.00

Score: 4,115

Member Count: 19

They have received 2,185 bonus respect, 721 points, Medium Arms Cache x2, Small Arms Cache x1

Member Level Attacks Score
Werd [474261] 33 78 598.59
MrPorter [1753825] 90 132 502.18
Dale-Gribble [1949472] 71 31 185.09
Zef [2428081] 65 56 235.18
Elettra393 [2533882] 42 2 14.84
BoQuA [2652804] 20 26 174.79
Musemor [2724145] 40 14 70.38
knomia [2728397] 25 39 557.20
FIRE_LORD_ACE [2735189] 73 115 569.66
JohnasBlackwood [2747096] 22 4 15.83
Datura [2777431] 25 33 269.85
GewikODrakar [2801464] 21 4 27.91
BurntSnail [2803161] 16 1 4.60
topace103 [2812566] 17 19 104.47
KopralJono45 [2822070] 17 16 57.26
Chapeleiro [2838024] 15 31 198.58
TmTheEnchanter [2864080] 18 41 515.33
Jaquilante [2882528] 15 4 13.96
YUMEKO-JABAMI [2789432] 30 0 0.00
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