Nuova Famiglia vs Desert Phoenix

Target: 6,800 / 6,800

Score: 9,075

Member Count: 70

They have received 4,990 bonus respect, 1,647 points, Armor Cache x3, Melee Cache x2

Member Level Attacks Score
BigJoeyL [51076] 65 70 611.76
iCurt [1392656] 36 57 347.14
Onlyshadow [1487863] 25 9 31.14
superharold3 [1649779] 18 1 4.45
Hexxblade [1657415] 21 23 127.28
xShirley [2135327] 42 17 89.78
Yliander [2135350] 56 31 218.19
Zeronil [2209789] 38 13 79.49
Mr300 [2285632] 96 108 1,126.21
Fa-xxdogxx [2335217] 9 1 3.64
Moskeze [2390426] 30 53 377.76
DrWaterWhippa [2443196] 13 5 29.47
UberToxic [2468154] 51 28 287.62
Airassault159th [2480451] 45 22 138.47
rfmswateam [2557219] 35 20 124.64
Nulaxy-Dimplex [2671892] 37 37 278.96
EddiCole [2702690] 25 10 38.58
Arleigh75 [2756870] 45 50 401.95
ReggieNoble [2762014] 45 86 901.68
Bryantula [2767796] 41 37 261.43
Kezza167 [2769425] 26 22 153.72
Jade06 [2796882] 15 1 5.81
Spurs891 [2804547] 35 18 86.78
Pavlemipie [2805403] 35 45 268.63
LeBram [2806033] 31 75 436.43
Armfelt [2811395] 25 15 96.66
SirCrazie [2811735] 23 8 43.88
Brainoverload [2812141] 16 7 42.68
MonZar [2812600] 23 4 11.60
Anas_killer_007 [2812707] 40 29 168.96
Speedy73 [2812859] 33 53 285.62
MixTreeWalker [2823648] 21 5 17.18
Lutherthetank [2834655] 23 37 142.19
goatbucket_ [2834739] 20 1 4.69
Licuado [2834782] 23 17 93.76
Wizenzo [2834997] 21 12 67.95
Failnator [2841258] 17 36 195.20
ArchAge [2859222] 20 7 42.50
PappaKlas [2862817] 17 2 4.49
lNamelessGodl [2862882] 24 46 246.49
eSo [2867759] 23 11 31.43
kylefarmakes [2869771] 12 14 97.73
Pelintra [2873368] 26 68 341.01
sazzles [2885304] 14 2 8.38
SamUwU [2900043] 15 1 4.79
crazyak16 [2905255] 15 3 50.05
Mackenzie-Jake [2907415] 6 1 3.85
Witherfian [2911440] 8 2 643.12
Calgacus [2663262] 24 0 0.00
Jewbo23 [2658614] 28 0 0.00
_Eskimo_ [1856991] 58 0 0.00
FiendDarky [2365157] 40 0 0.00
Jotz [421365] 44 0 0.00
BAIGEIdogeo [2735337] 24 0 0.00
Z-Nyxz [2834251] 27 0 0.00
CasualCal [2862657] 8 0 0.00
TheFireGamingBr [2711351] 13 0 0.00
god_sidge [2159197] 17 0 0.00
urmommmyisgay [2870037] 10 0 0.00
Mosc0w [2894504] 9 0 0.00
The_joker214 [2821253] 10 0 0.00
bac4k [2831313] 15 0 0.00
SlowBro64 [2758680] 12 0 0.00
Decap [47662] 94 0 0.00
BAARDMAN [2906755] 6 0 0.00
Poodle_Meat [2847547] 11 0 0.00
fadsof [2796195] 33 0 0.00
jjoorrddaan [2890701] 7 0 0.00
NPC404eRr0r [2893833] 10 0 0.00
RoMoto [2297253] 22 0 0.00

Score: 2,275

Member Count: 52

They have received 840 bonus respect, 277 points, Melee Cache x1

Member Level Attacks Score
Botikus [432785] 35 1 6.08
Shiroe- [1896021] 31 45 210.42
Assasim [2322535] 36 3 13.53
wraythe [2393169] 63 41 138.26
EnemyArmour [2425645] 52 25 94.87
Pestacyde [2533627] 46 5 8.68
Kyrax [2543379] 26 15 72.90
Quakepk [2544181] 49 49 182.05
feelix [2547000] 60 50 175.82
Yoda1987 [2548981] 46 16 58.04
mmmuuu [2549322] 40 5 19.22
Sinope [2557929] 35 13 53.04
epicepewpew [2559905] 20 2 4.34
SamanthaGreene [2570811] 15 8 21.96
n0wae [2571578] 23 30 123.70
ARandomCitizen [2640469] 20 12 42.81
itikrock [2663714] 30 10 113.52
RetruaL [2665369] 20 13 75.49
K0NSTANTINE [2668104] 26 21 91.88
VincentLago [2670017] 40 8 29.04
asksachinsaini [2676012] 54 62 323.01
HazCreator [2681776] 47 2 10.33
Damn [2693850] 50 50 240.80
Epiwssa [2746294] 35 28 84.54
Shalhevet [2881226] 19 6 33.84
7unchbox [2908047] 10 9 47.30
DamianItami [2550909] 20 0 0.00
Axelent [2550458] 26 0 0.00
Daxern [1751285] 26 0 0.00
RainMaker_ [2467147] 32 0 0.00
Petrie [1829717] 50 0 0.00
DoctrHorrible [1823420] 46 0 0.00
Nightwish2019 [2652649] 29 0 0.00
Lahkiin [2624264] 40 0 0.00
datbigmeat [2493584] 35 0 0.00
SpankyPrime [1758738] 26 0 0.00
Netcorus [2475238] 47 0 0.00
SepticSeption [2145175] 40 0 0.00
HELLBOY [2404978] 68 0 0.00
UnbalancedSkunk [2073343] 37 0 0.00
Qwerty6591 [2418981] 35 0 0.00
Mr_Midnight_ [2775530] 25 0 0.00
EdgedKatana [2787291] 16 0 0.00
k3nt [578725] 55 0 0.00
Nakoo [2647021] 23 0 0.00
Trisss [2660225] 30 0 0.00
Mallapuff [2874479] 10 0 0.00
Danger-R_U_N [2862154] 20 0 0.00
Deathknight50 [2660488] 11 0 0.00
Noiceonemate [2899287] 4 0 0.00
Kawairashii [2752280] 18 0 0.00
Nitr01 [2870703] 12 0 0.00
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