Ninja Medics vs MeN uP War

Target: 1,994 / 1,980

Score: 643

Member Count: 14

They have received 681 bonus respect, 225 points, Melee Cache x1

Member Level Attacks Score
CoopDeville [662884] 44 2 9.33
Rippe [884739] 46 34 154.62
Smalls [1663697] 50 8 21.55
LikeMike007 [1873848] 38 2 6.76
DEATHSHOOTER [1875501] 46 11 39.62
halie [2754327] 24 3 12.17
Snookums [2765670] 26 84 348.48
Zeerex23 [2772342] 33 8 50.92
Danjl [1452780] 52 0 0.00
poongy [751913] 42 0 0.00
bishopkz [2321321] 45 0 0.00
Miplet [2754858] 19 0 0.00
JediEllie [2555910] 58 0 0.00
-MrX- [2488348] 56 0 0.00

Score: 2,637

Member Count: 12

They have received 3,612 bonus respect, 1,192 points, Armor Cache x2, Melee Cache x2

Member Level Attacks Score
Aleena_Aleesya [92188] 40 132 765.83
MaN_uP [2449741] 50 133 738.73
dontask-noreply [2666587] 35 2 16.39
jazzlinn [2737965] 15 25 186.70
Aiz [2743737] 32 2 12.68
DarkestYugo [2749321] 29 2 16.80
Torgue [2752379] 26 140 685.44
EnviSage [2805201] 20 3 22.29
Uras_R34 [2808072] 40 29 193.12
Salogel [2811322] 25 0 0.00
Fish1000 [2770704] 20 0 0.00
MrAruz [2899741] 15 0 0.00
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