Metempsychosis Mafia vs The Fatal Hand * F.L.M *

Target: 3,397 / 3,395

Score: 3,625

Member Count: 24

They have received 1,887 bonus respect, 0 points, Melee Cache x1, Armor Cache x1

Member Level Attacks Score
-BC-KillerShot [541098] 71 27 196.76
loser4life [1858529] 32 29 163.84
Red4k [2092883] 30 3 21.01
Niccers [2162080] 26 43 330.37
--BlackHeart-- [2170883] 45 3 9.92
frodaddy [2211968] 21 8 57.39
BTing [2249643] 55 39 182.96
Rinomush [2351162] 27 17 122.27
Zoom95 [2357643] 35 59 324.40
Mehike [2458457] 25 10 62.69
TopHatDuck [2522248] 61 50 189.55
Drock1980 [2646826] 25 4 21.23
iarp [2672785] 41 2 11.06
BlackBeast [2695317] 26 24 164.66
NecroTheSicko [2721844] 32 2 6.95
Stonerstull [2744082] 29 10 78.84
baron_czernobog [2760228] 37 59 548.28
Phat-Tony [2769115] 35 79 562.44
bandar786 [2788530] 23 4 18.95
LEWENGE [2796041] 18 2 10.32
HHODGEYY [2844965] 33 58 541.90
Osiris23 [2295577] 19 0 0.00
Lefty10101 [2823196] 30 0 0.00
ObsidianDeath [2187798] 38 0 0.00

Score: 228

Member Count: 14

They have received 447 bonus respect, 0 points, Small Arms Cache x1

Member Level Attacks Score
Snowman_X [2126226] 31 15 77.91
Ultriu [2297138] 25 2 10.38
Trisity [2764247] 35 21 82.66
i4_barbarian_X [2768026] 37 6 29.58
Per_Storch [2803259] 21 2 10.07
EXIGULAE [2837620] 22 3 17.46
Bobby101wine [2769085] 25 0 0.00
Bukaj [2239906] 30 0 0.00
zencoco3 [2167093] 32 0 0.00
OriginOfDoom [2832410] 17 0 0.00
CottonCandyPimp [2808882] 17 0 0.00
Marvinellxx [1793785] 34 0 0.00
Shadow_123 [2818978] 15 0 0.00
MaybeMarkus [2764262] 20 0 0.00
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