HitMan Mafia vs The MeD-EviL Monsters

Target: 1,405 / 1,404

Score: 101

Member Count: 20

They have received 288 bonus respect, 0 points

Member Level Attacks Score
ACLange [2529317] 27 9 44.92
CecilaHelene [2853496] 20 10 56.57
Extra12 [2873441] 14 0 0.00
Bob_Hope [2877586] 14 0 0.00
sarsiemammy [2883194] 11 0 0.00
MinKyung [2709048] 10 0 0.00
Dirghayu [2101408] 12 0 0.00
Sicinious [2958110] 9 0 0.00
Monkeybuds420 [2959693] 10 0 0.00
max1325 [2926656] 9 0 0.00
smth [2918783] 6 0 0.00
Yenmae [2947531] 9 0 0.00
MoosePac [2924148] 10 0 0.00
Mizzie [2864289] 7 0 0.00
JojoXian [2974832] 5 0 0.00
Mrembola [2907850] 7 0 0.00
killercr [2977448] 3 0 0.00
Keiji-Suoh [2975994] 6 0 0.00
MrTp [2978299] 3 0 0.00
Nomad1212 [2985144] 3 0 0.00

Score: 1,506

Member Count: 15

They have received 1,056 bonus respect, 0 points, Small Arms Cache x1, Melee Cache x1

Member Level Attacks Score
Brien [1594315] 25 13 39.36
grizzly2003 [1993257] 41 119 343.83
jaytal [2105516] 47 7 12.78
overdosea [2153989] 43 8 23.09
El-Morte-Rojo [2538565] 29 13 35.02
lucaspiat [2569597] 27 46 103.40
LollipopJackson [2670493] 52 113 244.86
Beng-Awan [2732050] 45 107 231.05
Goatkush [2801762] 34 70 163.60
DruidRenfield [2877466] 27 2 10.51
Igor_II [2910774] 15 94 299.06
HazelTiger [2459903] 23 0 0.00
EIectrify [1982850] 21 0 0.00
JMoggsy [2513162] 53 0 0.00
Eriaz [1177876] 57 0 0.00
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