Hello High vs The House of Dragonfire

Target: 7,601 / 7,600

Score: 9,788

Member Count: 80

They have received 4,068 bonus respect, 1,342 points, Medium Arms Cache x1, Armor Cache x2, Melee Cache x1

Member Level Attacks Score
Rob_bazaar [662430] 59 49 378.11
_Luna [1524091] 50 2 7.84
wilbewscewter [1877282] 51 4 30.11
Fawksy [1884078] 22 31 176.12
Switchblade [1947068] 64 64 955.41
Guth82 [2195751] 51 51 371.35
Strideresque [2224810] 50 55 278.53
Delukii [2227730] 22 2 12.49
MrHighway [2231410] 27 29 155.63
Legendarysword [2247199] 38 3 19.71
legolasasd123 [2321014] 34 15 69.97
FadedGorilla21 [2339658] 88 30 246.91
Jimmyccfc [2342208] 30 1 1.98
TokerzLeader [2344388] 97 68 597.07
PlopBucket [2360622] 90 47 298.99
Kilian122 [2370273] 63 9 34.94
Burn88 [2401994] 35 16 427.78
purplefairy [2418508] 61 44 356.48
ObiWanKenobi [2434960] 35 3 24.50
Buckaroo22 [2447953] 53 21 129.99
Glum [2449501] 52 46 291.19
Shuman72 [2457482] 55 6 57.54
KuBe-Of-RuBiX [2467170] 43 22 111.75
demigorgon [2491725] 62 11 63.43
SnowShardz [2494909] 49 4 21.29
JohnJoeBurke [2496676] 50 22 128.56
cheaterjef [2501134] 26 16 97.97
seldom [2505271] 35 4 18.27
WarnseysAlleles [2506764] 31 26 177.11
TokerzLady [2512014] 43 76 671.54
Brasshole [2524886] 40 28 164.71
masterneedler [2535782] 52 1 8.51
Jefe [2545851] 49 11 46.52
thebordin [2547994] 31 13 86.04
TheQrow [2553072] 1 31 228.69
JQuigley98 [2555341] 30 5 26.62
juan64 [2567256] 53 8 67.76
simber [2584558] 61 38 244.65
SmrtijedCze [2586569] 57 61 333.10
phan7om [2587919] 20 23 213.30
krooz [2591519] 35 19 80.65
Just1Blast [2598379] 63 1 4.45
Doc3177 [2601051] 50 65 327.73
Draggo13 [2609573] 49 3 20.78
Rismee [2612888] 35 22 125.57
dakito [2615528] 56 26 179.61
sparkysan [2620094] 30 1 2.10
aloemon [2629101] 26 18 119.01
Seberus [2630136] 40 3 29.97
BluntBlowing666 [2640858] 40 9 56.90
muddlands [2646468] 40 40 229.36
yucky212 [2647988] 53 17 138.34
Gandern [2662833] 41 30 180.78
Starina [2667128] 49 12 73.09
Keza [2672120] 33 48 284.30
Liam3003 [2675559] 30 34 172.61
OwenSibleyy [2678207] 25 19 96.04
Lucaia [2693892] 26 2 12.07
Warwara [2718042] 15 2 8.00
IamWonkas [2745232] 16 4 14.33
Grag [2092805] 55 0 0.00
Chizzle_e4 [2218465] 60 0 0.00
WeinerWaterSoop [2586758] 53 0 0.00
necrosatan666 [2454371] 60 0 0.00
Lukezzi [2668485] 26 0 0.00
Little_Angel [2439529] 45 0 0.00
Accy [2586638] 30 0 0.00
Lulabae [2236553] 27 0 0.00
Twistedfury [2536918] 36 0 0.00
RichardBigger [2522860] 25 0 0.00
Jayskids [2488275] 20 0 0.00
Noodlearms [2587640] 20 0 0.00
MistaV [2575310] 22 0 0.00
SomSlepice [2276307] 75 0 0.00
Joreogan [2734457] 18 0 0.00
Dpsltlemissminx [2251830] 47 0 0.00
Lazerson [2199483] 32 0 0.00
Triadpoppers [2131599] 41 0 0.00
Wullyw1 [2746975] 16 0 0.00
XI_aM_P3RRY_X [2687206] 32 0 0.00

Score: 2,187

Member Count: 69

They have received 1,065 bonus respect, 351 points, Medium Arms Cache x1

Member Level Attacks Score
fazi000000 [189986] 92 11 48.12
Trunk_monkey [286357] 89 19 106.93
Hybrid_Venom [446783] 50 7 58.25
_Deadpool_ [464096] 85 77 955.71
DONOTKILL [956099] 65 10 43.73
Fallen_beauty07 [1512100] 55 68 295.49
Dogsknob [1600070] 80 22 151.34
Darth-Kellgo [1654864] 50 1 7.57
k-spud2 [1679409] 60 18 88.85
Darth-Sidious [1863097] 60 3 12.66
kkdgs [2019770] 55 4 19.60
Skiam [2166430] 57 1 9.17
Cove [2185633] 30 9 37.67
Akalyvas87 [2186601] 30 1 5.92
shadowhunter742 [2206992] 31 2 16.02
Drewza021 [2381458] 52 1 5.52
Franc-VIIIL [2409548] 60 14 254.66
Fireburnesses [2410965] 30 4 16.42
Lou_Kain [2498753] 59 6 40.44
Navarro [2623800] 35 1 5.12
Elementshock [2670796] 32 1 3.70
Whiskey [2674992] 36 1 4.40
Blind_Avarice [953151] 50 0 0.00
Tongue_Puncher [2659297] 19 0 0.00
Eden_K7 [2460022] 29 0 0.00
coolboy50555 [453965] 38 0 0.00
Stefanomon [2459189] 15 0 0.00
Protorn411 [2725371] 6 0 0.00
Aeroke34 [2668575] 11 0 0.00
Ushnagra [2712382] 13 0 0.00
ToistyMartian [2721665] 18 0 0.00
Haycast [2740357] 13 0 0.00
Toria [332256] 35 0 0.00
ZombieBoi01 [2339442] 46 0 0.00
CTGuy [2409730] 48 0 0.00
Akingrise [2630764] 39 0 0.00
blakborn [19751] 59 0 0.00
__TI__ [2370386] 55 0 0.00
MSi_untouchable [2699464] 16 0 0.00
Ureka [1858699] 49 0 0.00
ETZOR1AYX [2103205] 47 0 0.00
ZMetre [2225844] 31 0 0.00
Gainard [2260411] 50 0 0.00
Jdothdotm [2128736] 37 0 0.00
Vice [276859] 51 0 0.00
WORNOXCOOL [1322895] 38 0 0.00
Clankmon [1575836] 70 0 0.00
SniffableSilver [2286815] 28 0 0.00
Marino93 [898457] 51 0 0.00
Grim_Burger [1996129] 29 0 0.00
Irac87 [1735532] 49 0 0.00
KTW2829 [2289196] 15 0 0.00
WorkHorse23 [1859832] 60 0 0.00
OdinsSonPrime [2171878] 23 0 0.00
Dandehhh [2113314] 30 0 0.00
Golf-Alpha-Zulu [1982950] 35 0 0.00
AndiMY [2633168] 22 0 0.00
XyanAzel17 [2370123] 21 0 0.00
MeisterD [2096128] 53 0 0.00
Direkts [2503075] 15 0 0.00
Hathoren [2539003] 19 0 0.00
Zayst [2407699] 25 0 0.00
WhisperVH [1991883] 37 0 0.00
BlazeEhaze [1590541] 27 0 0.00
Krimz [1999200] 29 0 0.00
Nhilz [2201514] 48 0 0.00
X_GreshnikZ [2353250] 13 0 0.00
Natediggity [2551402] 44 0 0.00
Miitch [2464317] 40 0 0.00
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