aXiom vs Aperture Science

Target: 5,645 / 5,644

Score: 23,644

Member Count: 70

They have received 4,555 bonus respect, 1,503 points, Armor Cache x2, Medium Arms Cache x2, Small Arms Cache x1

Member Level Attacks Score
acesoron [1468] 90 120 1,157.93
LilDood [70634] 92 75 693.82
Zer0CooL [298394] 100 151 1,269.78
benbeales [437760] 30 2 20.90
Cheebah [483578] 69 72 585.20
LucidDreams [1324842] 67 41 367.37
Juun [1521826] 50 73 561.62
BludShoT [1706337] 36 52 473.47
DevilsWar [1776562] 50 40 330.40
Dies-Irae [1848578] 99 115 964.34
Nyxa [1858565] 15 29 188.59
Sliceofpi [2016266] 93 29 325.45
Kylar [2016267] 100 121 2,774.39
selits [2061213] 96 30 298.37
Mercm3 [2061841] 96 86 747.40
Archimedes [2061973] 96 54 576.98
Mobkiller [2062320] 99 107 817.13
Lithdren [2137694] 77 85 980.11
Fadeout [2165844] 40 61 369.20
MPlagueNurse [2168955] 18 6 53.15
Ephagee [2172307] 80 35 296.80
ThirteenMD [2173789] 84 53 449.01
Mugen-san [2184473] 30 42 324.99
trueazian [2186009] 40 3 22.81
EmeriX [2187675] 82 81 912.29
KingHenryVIII [2191568] 75 65 1,255.19
Legs_ [2192528] 21 1 12.27
Teck [2195500] 96 28 243.58
daMace [2196424] 80 94 826.51
BEER [2210034] 94 89 858.03
CLOGMATIC [2259718] 27 15 78.37
Tisoy79 [2262558] 53 4 34.43
ShezGotUrRez [2284560] 57 1 2.58
Alpharius2020 [2328064] 50 5 43.68
Graintrader [2330902] 73 24 145.48
Harmicist [2344449] 32 3 27.26
UnJack88 [2369786] 29 4 48.64
WhiteAngelx [2429863] 26 41 237.09
deatheaterr [2444312] 70 57 373.38
Mack_n_cheeze [2448823] 47 1 2.44
Rekto [2474776] 51 5 37.91
Aks [2544744] 26 19 124.65
nivec [2564138] 60 13 132.77
YippeeKayYay [2596452] 50 76 618.52
Sheepie [2598231] 75 123 1,178.52
No1IrishStig [2648238] 57 20 106.83
YNKSteve [2657043] 42 17 145.21
aaxiom [2659387] 27 4 23.23
TheHazardZA [2659675] 35 43 341.14
ZAR_N1CKY [2660729] 34 3 39.55
M7239 [2662372] 41 40 344.71
Sargante [2674135] 58 15 123.24
Shiizu [2683185] 33 63 543.48
Sheigh [2684015] 33 4 42.48
Amsel [2691216] 31 10 74.82
JaxScofield [2707793] 40 1 4.84
KenyaSwallow [2723863] 25 2 12.26
KanekiHaise [2174191] 44 0 0.00
justmike44 [2193697] 61 0 0.00
magicmutte [2007998] 24 0 0.00
Madmaxjack [2401346] 36 0 0.00
_Arms_ [2589784] 32 0 0.00
AudVix [2602206] 50 0 0.00
PretomGaming [2663365] 40 0 0.00
SegoKucing [2684869] 15 0 0.00
Ace-sama [2723616] 15 0 0.00
janepe [2139794] 69 0 0.00
Ghostdragon9 [2428072] 30 0 0.00
FactHuntt [2678478] 40 0 0.00
Danew112 [2763966] 7 0 0.00

Score: 17,999

Member Count: 58

They have received 1,662 bonus respect, 548 points, Small Arms Cache x1, Armor Cache x1

Member Level Attacks Score
Hurin [87] 50 13 127.86
naruto_uzumaki9 [68509] 85 25 389.85
Gizmo [172552] 100 96 1,607.90
Ezniach [176284] 90 55 754.69
Webster [227273] 90 99 1,534.46
Yeungy [381167] 75 58 1,061.07
DarthBoot [390969] 82 22 186.67
Reets [647707] 82 8 90.30
pilsner [767572] 100 86 1,309.54
caitlynne [946818] 73 60 363.47
blackhole_13 [1128183] 69 56 352.83
_Monkey_ [1362005] 60 41 239.31
HandyJobs [1392208] 69 23 175.01
Yupuhateme [1424099] 68 47 615.94
PersonGuy [1439848] 76 28 158.68
Sinspawn70 [1510560] 50 25 157.50
1113 [1631982] 26 42 240.43
ImYourGod-_- [1693780] 69 12 67.95
edwin8686 [1776227] 71 51 356.27
NinjaKnight [1826241] 80 47 333.30
LowercaseTuna45 [1864869] 81 50 381.55
capkirk [1930262] 64 14 93.22
Ampfetamine [1941545] 52 14 91.53
RELIOS_ [1988625] 50 59 401.77
Drinky [2063653] 69 46 275.54
Twoshoes [2100796] 56 19 138.02
Macman [2229502] 66 32 196.59
Smurph68 [2233751] 61 50 260.08
whooo [2251326] 47 2 12.30
JackKelly [2271177] 75 81 769.30
hanako328 [2285626] 68 24 212.66
Tygar [2286966] 60 3 26.51
Peste84 [2297671] 69 43 431.19
Syk3000 [2302700] 35 61 463.13
MegzoVyt-X [2309119] 50 48 340.19
BrotherWilliam [2320764] 70 7 59.73
DingoMart [2350069] 82 37 192.38
Beta1337 [2383819] 50 37 211.40
donglord [2412505] 49 1 7.76
Miss_Flawless [2412514] 59 6 19.49
pwnsoon [2427664] 63 95 654.74
UppercaseSalmon [2488553] 40 85 540.69
MUSLIH_20 [2504346] 20 6 35.76
UglySock [2520380] 55 48 256.11
Tentimes [2534752] 47 6 35.26
its_a_me [2588055] 31 51 411.08
Laadydaaydreaam [2604107] 45 10 86.07
AdinoMC [2621806] 31 9 77.94
Keyblade888 [2646490] 37 12 50.36
Roberto5 [2655085] 41 1 9.76
GlooomyBear [2663931] 35 23 186.97
JucBoxHero [2705081] 44 54 440.05
Huxxley [2729196] 37 58 503.40
ElectricCheddar [2742183] 18 2 3.73
-Gazzer-05 [211179] 60 0 0.00
Defenestration [271320] 61 0 0.00
AquaRegia [1551111] 96 0 0.00
_Vladimir_ [2543300] 35 0 0.00
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